A youth drama nonprofit that runs an international summer program and designs curricula for using drama in the classroom to aid learning.
Brand reboot: redesign logo and website, and streamline newsletter and social media. Create printed materials on an as-needed basis.
Writing & Editing
• Wrote copy for posters, website, and promotional materials.
• Proofread newsletter and business letters.
Graphic Design
• Designed t-shirts, posters, flyers, and business cards.
• Implemented MailChimp for the BAYFEST e-newsletter.
• Rebuilt BAYFEST website in WordPress using a premium framework with custom CSS.

Over the course of several years working together, Lauren helped us re-design and manage our website, designed logos, posters, and other graphics. She helped draft and edit various grant proposals, info sheets and anything else we were working on, and was always a great ear for batting around ideas, helping make and keep timelines, listening to jokes—in short, just what any small non-profit desperately needs: a person of many talents who is smart and funny and encouraging!
Robert Shampain
Executive Director, BAYFEST